Storage Equipment

Whether you need storage & equipment for personal use, or you need to be storing large amounts of sports equipment for a community group or school, we stock a range of solutions to keep your equipment safe and easy to access.

Specific solutions for items such as hurdle equipment or triple jump equipment can be found in our storage bags section - making a sport with tricky equipment easy to put away. We also stock storage bags for basketball balls and many more pieces of sports equipment.

Alongside bags, we also sell storage & equipment solutions such as cages, trolleys and sheds. Our cages come in a range of sizes from small to very large, holding up to 100 balls and often allowing for the fitting of a padlock for additional security. Whilst some of our larger cages come fully assembled, we also stock strong reinforced cages that will dismantle to a fraction of their assembled size.

Storage trolleys are also a great way to keep your equipment together and many options come with both baskets and hoop rack storage. Many of our trolley options are durable and scratch-resistant because of their epoxy powder coat and they have swivel castors on each corner with a brake action for safety and stability.

Particularly in schools and community groups, storage of large amounts of sports equipment can be tricky and hard to manage. If you want to find a straight forward storage solution to suit your specific needs, there's plenty of options for you to browse.
