This exciting innovative kit combines the traditional skills of the Highland Games with modern methods. The kit includes all the equipment necessary to develop the key skills i.e. running, jumping, throwing and agility activities within the Highland Games. Complete with activity cards and folder.
Intermediate metromat is not included in this upgrade kit.
Foam Caber PAK 1
Highland Steps Mat 1
Weight for Height scale & Fixing 1
Coloured Plastic Cones 9” 4
Eveque Ring Binder 1
HG Activity Cards 1
Eveque Whistle & Lanyard 1
Eveque Stopwatch 2
Bag 1
10m Graduated Mats 2
Skipping Ropes 4
20 no Tower Blocks & Bag 1
Indoor Shot 1.5kg 1
Indoor Shot 2kg 1
D-Ball 1kg 1
D-Ball 1.5kg 1
Soft Weight 1.5 – 2kg 1