Crazy Catch have developed Crazy Catch Vision Balls to train your eyes to jump to the final point in a ball’s flightpath, in the catching/striking zone. Vision Balls have coloured shapes on the ball to help focus the eyes thus fast-tracking catching skills. Eye training is just as applicable for pupils learning to catch as for elite athletes looking for 1% gains in their performances.
The ultimate Vision Ball Pack for coaches of all sports!
2 x Level 1 Orange Vision Balls
3 x Level 2 Green Vision Balls
3 x Level 2 Yellow Vision Balls
2 x Level 3 Red Vision Balls
1 x Black net draw string bag
Crazy Catch have developed Crazy Catch Vision Balls to train your eyes to jump to the final point in a ball’s flightpath, in the catching/striking zone. Vision Balls have coloured shapes on the ball to help focus the eyes thus fast-tracking catching skills. Eye training is just as applicable for pupils learning to catch as for elite athletes looking for 1% gains in their performances.
Why train with Vision Balls?
- Excellent small balls to learn to catch
- Soft, safe, great grip and very durable (95gms)
- If you want to set a one minute challenge then this is the ball you need to make it official!!
- Perfect for use with a Crazy Catch
- Great for schools and cricket clubs
Cricket ball diameter (72mm)
Perhaps the most common coaching phrase of all time in relation to catching or hitting a ball, but it’s actually impossible!
MYTH BUSTED! –“Watch the ball!” is sound advice during the initial stages of ball tracking. However, unless the ball travel is directly towards your eyes, it is simply impossible to “keep your eye on the ball” on the all important catching/hitting zone.
Watch elite athletes just as they hit a ball or take a catch, and see where their eyes are directed. Develop these same skills by simply asking yourself: “WHAT WAS THE LAST COLOUR I SAW ON THE CRAZY CATCH VISION BALL?”
Now, with a clearly defined start and end-point, you can fast track your vision skills.